Cannon Suffered Blood Clots in Lungs, Enlarged Heart
Nick Cannon's going to kill himself if he doesn't take a break! He announced this morning on New York's 92.3 that his doctor has told him to lighten his professional load. “Under doctor's orders, I have been asked to put my health first and cut back on
By Eric Alt Ongoing issues with his health have caused Nick Cannon to slow things down a little bit. The 31-year-old husband of Mariah Carey, who was recently hospitalized for "mild kidney failure," stepped down from his radio show "Rollin' with Nick
Nick Cannon says he could die if he doesn't pump the brakes on his career and the first step is quitting his gig on a NY morning radio show. Cannon…
Nick Cannon stepped down from his daily radio show today after revealing he suffered another health setback last week, when doctors discovered he had blood clots in his lungs and an enlarged heart. "The doctors found blood clots in my lungs and said if
NEW YORK — Nick Cannon told listeners this morning that he is quitting his 92.3 NOW (WXRK) radio show this morning. "The news is out. This job is killing me," he said on the air. " What I need to recuperate for my body to get stronger these are
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