Divided court rejects Proposition 8
7, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — Today, the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals decided that the people of California had no right pass an initiative that limits marriage to one man and one woman. At the same time, the Court of Appeals denied a
The 2-1 ruling by the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was narrowly written to limit its scope to California's borders and possibly even avoid review by the US Supreme Court, legal experts said. Nonetheless, gay-rights advocates hailed Tuesday's
A divided three-judge panel of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday struck down California's Proposition 8, a measure which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. The measure rolled back same-sex marriage in America's largest state,
Monday, February 6, 2012 – The Valley News – PALM SPRINGS – Supporters of same-sex marriage in the Coachella Valley and across the state scored a major victory today when a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Finds Proposition 8 UNCONSTITUTIONAL! But It Ain't Over Yet.
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