Drivers easily adjust to Bay Bridge lane changes
Last Wednesday afternoon, Sharon traveled to the Tampa Bay Bridge Center. There, Sharon had the pleasure of meeting with the president of the TBBC, and getting to meet many of the players in a question and answer
The Bay Bridge's westbound upper deck reopened Sunday evening, more than 24 hours ahead of schedule following a planned holiday weekend closure for demolition and construction work.
It was no simple task to stop all the traffic at five different points, but the Bay Bridge toll plaza is now deserted. Traffic started slowing to a trickle a little before 8 pm The last car passed through at almost exactly 8:00.
Caltrans employees and their sub-contractors work on the westbound lanes of the Bay Bridge road surface Saturday, February 18, 2012. Weather permitting, the bridge is expected to reopen early Tuesday morning. So far, so good.
The Bay Bridge's westbound upper deck will reopen this evening, more than 24 hours ahead of schedule following a planned holiday weekend closure for demolition and construction work. With all planned demolition and
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