ESPN Jeremy Lin racial slur blasted by Judy Chu
Former ESPN editor Anthony Federico, who was fired over a controversial Jeremy Lin headline that used the word chink, told the Daily News that the entire thing was a honest mistake.
The day after speaking at the funeral of Whitney Houston, Kevin Costner hit up Madison Square Garden this afternoon to check out Jeremy Lin and the New York Knicks. In other Lin news, ESPN announced today that it "dismissed" the employee responsible
Lin has nine turnovers. ESPN's mobile site features a headline that says "Chink in the Armor." With wrestling, it's sometimes hard to tell if things are "real" or "scripted." Or in wrestling language, a "work" or a "shoot." That seems to be the case
UPDATE: ESPN has fired the employee responsible for the offensive headline "Chink in the Armor." The network has suspended the anchor who also used the phrase, the Associated Press reports.
(Reuters) – Sports network ESPN said Sunday that it had dismissed one employee and suspended another after apologizing on Saturday for an anti-Asian slur that appeared with a story on its website about the New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin.
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