Progeria patient thanks Selena Gomez in stirring video
Willow has actively been communicating with a little girl name Hayley Okines, who suffers from a rare genetic condition that produces rapid aging in children called Progeria. Little Hayley Okines' genetic condition has prohibited her hair growth and
An emotionally heartwarming "Thank you" video from teenager Hana Hwang to singer Selena Gomez is quickly turning the progeria patient into an internet sensation. WorldShares lets you earn donations for your favorite nonprofit. Earn up to 20 points now.
The accelerated aging condition progeria is caused by malformed lamin A, an important structural protein in cells. An accumulation of bad lamin A is something that also occurs in normal aging, albeit to a much lesser degree.
In Kyle Mills' “The Immortalists,” microbiologist Richard Draman is desperately seeking a cure for Progeria, a genetic defect that causes rapid aging. His daughter Susie suffers from the defect, and at the beginning of the novel the reader gets a
Willow has actively been communicating with a little girl name Hayley Okines, who suffers from a rare genetic condition that produces rapid aging in children called Progeria. Little Hayley Okines' genetic condition has prohibited her hair growth and
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