Purple-sprouting broccoli with olive oil mash recipe, plus scallops and …
I decided to try the above experiment as it allowed me to use two ingredients that have featured in recent 'Foodstuffs' posts, namely Jerusalem Artichokes and Truffle Oil. I wanted to do something Italian in character with this
A smooth soup made from jerusalem artichokes, onions, garlic, celery and stock.
A perfect day for soup. Jerusalem artichoke with truffle oil. Pretty pimp. #vegan #lunchtweet.
Jerusalem artichokes, also known as sunchokes, are a knobbly little root — similar in appearance to ginger, but with a slightly pink hue. These little root nuggets are a ray of light in the world of tubers. They are nutty, crunchy and taste remarkably
A perfect day for soup. Jerusalem artichoke with truffle oil. Pretty pimp. #vegan #lunchtweet.
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