Romney wins CPAC presidential straw poll
WASHINGTON — The Conservative Political Action Conference drew crowds of protesters on Friday, as members of the Occupy Wall Street movement and labor groups demonstrated against the annual confab as a powwow
CPAC interview: Rep. Mike Pompeo and the Obama war on energy.
Paul won the CPAC straw poll in 2010 and 2011. However, he was the only GOP presidential candidate who did not attend the conference this year, choosing instead to focus his energy and time in Maine.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) gave a passionate speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday, rallying against recall election efforts that he said could do lasting damage. "Lord help us if we fail,"
by Ashley Alderman | February 11, 2012 Texas Congressman Ron Paul says he planned on skipping CPAC for weeks, choosing instead to focus on his chances in Maine. Paul was the only GOP presidential candidate who did not attend CPAC this week.
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