The IRS Where's My Refund Tool is Temporarily Out of Service
Americans are burdened with IRS tax debt they simply can't pay. It's best they handle tax problems immediately using tax strategies that resolve them for good.
TAMPA – Three hours before the IRS office in Tampa even opened Wednesday morning, upset taxpayers lined up at the door. They waited hours to talk to someone about their stolen refunds, but many had to just leave without finding out anything.
The Internal Revenue Service said Wednesday that its tool that lets people check on the status of their refunds is not currently working. “We're having some technical difficulties right now but expect to have this resolved soon.
The Internal Revenue Service said Wednesday that its tool that lets people check on the status of their refunds is not currently working. “We're having some technical difficulties right now but expect to have this resolved soon.
Orlando Sentinel education reporters blog about local Central Florida and Orlando-area schools and the education system.
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