The Week That Changed the World
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As a child, Lloyd grew up in a rough section of London, but moved out at 11 years old to avoid bombing during World War II. Reading disabled since he was 4, Lloyd never graduated from high school. "I never passed an English exam in my life," he said.
Like Europe's Thirty Years' War (1618-1638), Iran's war against the world has already proven very destructive, and it may yet become even more costly, especially if Iran succeeds in making its nuclear weapons operational. The Thirty Years' War that
Bank of Israel's Fischer, a former thesis adviser to Ben S. Bernanke, helped steer the economy back to growth after the worst global recession since World War II. Fischer, who is serving his second term as governor, began buying foreign currency in
Like Europe's Thirty Years' War (1618-1638), Iran's war against the world has already proven very destructive, and it may yet become even more costly, especially if Iran succeeds in making its nuclear weapons operational. The Thirty Years' War that
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