Tag Archives: grand canyon

Las Vegas developer challenges tribe's decision to take over Grand Canyon …

The Hualapai Tribal Nation has voted to take over the management of the Grand Canyon Skywalk from David Jin the tourist attractions Las Vegas-based developer reported the Associated PressJin partnered with the The Hualapai Tribe has declared eminent domain over the management contract and says it will provide Las Vegas businessman David Jin $11 million […]

Texas boy, 6, attacked by mountain lion at Big Bend National Park

parks and one in Scotland share the gold tier level. which means the area skies are free from all but minimal light pollution, with. Big Bend National Park is about 245 miles away. Where to stay Lajitas Golf and Spa Resort 877-LAJITAS (5254-827) www.lajitasgolfresort.com Rustic-elegant resort with restaurant, bar, movie house, shops and more. Near […]